Argentina ended anti-dumping review investigation on Chinese glass
- Author:Clarence
- Source:Ministry of Commerce Website
- Release Date:2014-10-14
Today, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce receivedArgentinaEconomic and PublicMinistry of FinanceTrade Foreign Trade Secretariat note Secretariat of State of State, according to the ministry circular resolution No. 608 of September 5, 2014, decided to concludeChina glass(Except glass ceramic cups and crystal glass) anti-dumping review investigation and implementation of new anti-dumping measures (see table below) from the date of issue, valid for five years. Accept ARC & nbsp; GLASSWARE & nbsp; NANJING & nbsp; CO.LTG company's price promise not to implement the new anti-dumping measures against the company.
Product |
Lowest FOB (USD / kg) |
Cups |
2.62 |
Blackjack |
3.46 |
Glass jug |
2.32 |
Such as the U.S. government provides:ForeignGoods GangCIFBelow prices are consideredCommodity dumping, Anti-dumping measures immediately. Although "GATT"In the anti-DumpingDo a clearly defined problem, but in fact all countries go their own way, still as the anti-dumpingTrade warOne of the main means.
WTO's "Anti-Dumping Agreement" provides that a member of the anti-dumping measures to be implemented, must comply with three conditions: First, the fact that determine the existence of dumping; Second, determine the domestic industry caused material injury or threat of material injury, or the establishment of substantially impedes the domestic industry; Third, there is a causal relationship between the dumping and injury determination. According to the definition of dumping, if the product's export price is lower than the normal price, will be considered the existence of dumping. The export price is lower than the normal price difference is called the margin of dumping. Therefore, to determine the dumping must go through three steps: determining the export price; determine the normal price; export price and normal price comparison.
Normal price usually refers to the domestic like product in the exporting country under the general trade conditions comparable sales prices. Such as domestic prices of the product under control, often a third country export prices of similar products to confirm the normal price.
And start countervailing investigation is different, victim of dumping in anti-dumping investigations before the start of consultations with the parties no obligation to members; impact on the domestic industry at the time of review of dumping, need to consider the size of the dumping margin and to determine the dumping margin. WTO rules, does not exceed the margin of dumping import prices 2%. Proportion of imports of goods imported by the anti-dumping similar products accounted for no more than 3% is negligible minimum margin of dumping.
The final anti-dumping remedies are dumping impose anti-dumping duties. The amount of anti-dumping duties can be equal to the dumping margin, it can be less than the margin of dumping.
Despite the anti-dumping investigation is not over, but the premise has a preliminary ruling and the damage caused by the existence of dumping and to prevent dumping in the investigation process continues to cause damage, the parties to the case have been fully and provide the opportunity to express their views, injured members can take temporary measures.
Another remedy is the price promise. If the exporter has made satisfactory voluntary commitment to modify the price or stop exporting at dumped prices, the survey program may be suspended or terminated, the authorities do not take provisional measures or anti-dumping duties.
And start countervailing investigation procedures, as a member of the government should be in receipt of the application by dumping domestic product damage business or industry, the anti-dumping investigation. The parties must be informed about the start of the investigation. They include members of the government where the exporter, the exporter or foreign manufacturers, importers of the product under investigation, industry associations, importers and manufacturers of similar products industry associations. If there is no sufficient evidence of dumping and injury, or the dumping margin or volume of dumped imports is less than the minimum amount, you should terminate the investigation.
Under the WTO framework, only the government, rather than traders and industry to adopt anti-dumping measures. Therefore, a country's traders or industry must start anti-dumping procedures by the government.
If exports by members of the surveyed members dissatisfied with the investigation of the actions taken, it can submit questionsWTODispute Settlement BodyResolved. In this case,ExportersMust pass the national government to take such action.