Use an Empty Wine or Liquor Bottle as a Rolling Pin
If you're like me and rarely take the time to bake anything, a rolling pin is probably not something you have in your kitchen. In the event the baking bug bites, you can use an empty glass bottle in a pinch to roll out your dough.
Blogger Brooke Lauren blogged about the idea while coming up with various uses for leftover wine bottles. They can be used for tons of things, like as an automatic plant waterer or to help maintain boot shape. For this application they're perfect, however, because the bottles are long, flat, and the dough shouldn't stick to the surface any worse than a real rolling pin. It's possible to use a full wine bottle as well, but it's probably a little more difficult to handle and it'll get covered in flour. So summon the remaining spirits right out of your bottle and bake something. Sounds like a good day to me.