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Why do we want to improve the strength of the glass?

  • Author:Yang Chen
  • Release Date:2014-03-28

The purpose of improving the strength of the glass: the use of physical or chemical methods, the glass surface compression stress layer is formed, the tensile stress is formed inside layer; glass when subjected to an external force, the compressive stress layer may be partially offset by the tensile stress, to avoid breaking the glass, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the strength of glass.

Moreover, the micro-cracks in the glass surface compressive stress under which becomes more subtle, but also to some extent, improve the strength of the glass. CurrentlyShenzhen glassCommonly used method is the physical steel is heated to the softening point of the glass attached (about 650 degrees to 800 degrees), then the glass can still maintain its original shape, but the glass has a certain particle migration, structural adjustment, to make quickly eliminate internal stress exists, then tempered glass tempering furnace be quenched hair, when the temperature equilibrium, the glass surface compressive stress, tensile stress generated lining that glass produces a homogeneous and regular distribution The internal stress of the glass as improved tensile strength of the brittle material, so that the flexural strength and impact strength of glass is improved. Also, because of uniform stresses within the glass, more than once by the local strength of glass can withstand shocks rupture under the action of the internal stress is small particles blew improve its safety.

Therefore, also known as pre-stressed glass or tempered safety glass.GlassworksThe steel furnace in the steel process, usually generating wind stress spots and spots, wind spots in the cooling process, due to the cold glass of stress caused by uneven uneven formation, which was observed in a particular angle see the glass surface was light and dark stripes. Stress also because of stress caused by uneven spots, such as in the heating process, and central hearth temperature difference caused by uneven stress. Stress spot is currently no way to completely avoid, but well-designed steel equipment minimizes stress can spot visibility.